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Jan 22, 2014
22 Jan 2014

DNN Platform 7.2.1 Released

A new release of the DNN Platform 7.2.1 is now available.

A new release of the DNN Platform 7.2.1 is now available. This latest release see the DNN team stabilising the platform in the areas of security, performance and user experience. A summary of the release notes are included below:

Major Highlights

  • fixed issue where .dnn7 manifest was not being utilized in module installation process
  • fixed issue where restored user could not change his profile avatar
  • added .ashx to regex filter for Do Not Redirect rule in advanced url management
  • added various SQL database optimizations contributed by Sebastian Leupold
  • fixed issue with rich text editor in Newsletters in Firefox
  • fixed copy page so that all properties are copied
  • fixed UI issue when managing Authentication providers
  • fixed browser compatibility issue when managing Available Modules in Site Settings
  • fixed defaults of billing and trial values when adding security roles
  • added a 404 page to the blank site template
  • fixed issue where config element in module manifest throws errors when XML Merge script is in separate file
  • fixed terminology when changing password as Administrator
  • fixed Console module so that it ignores pages that are not intended to be included in the menu
  • fixed access control so that Deny permissions always ovveride Grant permissions
  • fixed access control so that Navigate permission can be denied
  • enhanced permissions grid so that full control specification can not be overridden for specific permissions
  • enhanced control panel so that Stay In Edit Mode option is always available
  • make application FIPS compliant
  • fixed issue preventing DAM from being used in Group mode
  • fixed javascript issue in DNNMenuProvider
  • fixed access control so that module level permissions are observed for all individualpermission types
  • disabled field validation when changing countries during registration
  • ModuleSettingsPresenterBased now instantiates ModuleSettings and TabModuleSettings
  • fixed exception when composing new message to user
  • GetUserRoles will now return an empty list if the user is not valid
  • made Group pending notification URLs absolute
  • allow a user using the Windows Live authentication provider to be a member of multiple portals
  • removed inline style in Logo skin object
  • fixed Member Directory issue where the same user is displayed multiple times
  • added stored procedure to prevent error when uninstalling dashboard extension
  • improved Newsletters so you can send to Social Groups as well as Security Roles
  • fixed issue where page with a future publish date can not be edited
  • allow a user to specify both a date and time for publishing in module settings
  • fixed issue where UserInfo object did not contain LastIPAddress
  • fixed Site Group behavior so that Site Settings are populated with current portal properties
  • improved performance of loading folders that contain a large volume of files
  • fixed scheduler so that Application_Start is recognized when using Request mode
  • fixed search by tag functionality
  • fixed Users Online so that it is thread-safe
  • enhancement so that Google Analytics does not track admin or host user activity
  • enhanced Test SMTP options so that it tells you who the email was sent from and to
  • fixed issue preventing the closing of the "Welcome to Your Installation" pop up
  • search crawler enhanced to include host pages
  • fixed issue causing SendMail to crash when sending blank value for to, cc or bcc
  • fixed user profile so that users can view their friends profile info if security is set to Friends
  • fixed Splash page behavior
  • fixed issues where updating a journal item was creating a new record instead of updating existing one
  • fixed issue where upgrading from an older version was not cleaning up auth systems, providers and optional modules
  • enhanced uploading new extension experience to show progress indicator
  • fixed issue where User could not reply to Message
  • added new host setting to optionally disable critical error reports displayed in page
  • fixed upgrade issue if previous version of module creator was installed
  • fixed an issue where user folders were not deleted when a user was deleted